PuppyShare consists of two related features:
First, it provides a Live Wallpaper to display a series of user-contributed puppy pictures as a pleasing slideshow in your background,
Next, it registers as a "Share" provider in your Android device, enabling you to share picture of your puppies with the rest of the PuppyShare community -
You see pictures shared by other PuppyShare users and they see yours!
This app uses Google services for sharing of your pictures and will prompt for permission to use a Google account associated with your device.
PuppyShare currently operates on an HONOR POLICY. Please respect this community and share only pictures appropriate for the app - if we find that users are abusing
this honor system, we will be forced to switch on moderation and approval processes. We will also report you to Google for inappropriate use of a Google account.
Features include:
☆ Show pictures of your own puppies and/or shared
puppies as wallpaper
☆ Configurable settings for slideshow speed, number
of shared pictures to display, position of text,
etc. (Pay version only)
☆ Easy to share your pictures to others
To select a slideshow of shared puppies as your wallpaper, after installing the app:
• Launch the app, then click the 'Set as Live Wallpaper' button
Go to your Home Screen, Long-press the background, Select Wallpapers, then Live wallpapers
• Choose Share Your Kitty wallpaper from the list
• Click Set Wallpaper
To Pause the kitty slideshow, double-tap the background. Double-tap again to resume.
To share pictures of your canine: from the camera, photo gallery, or other media app, click Share then select 'PuppyShare'.
You will then have the opportunity to rotate your picture, enter optional Description, Variety, and Location text, and then upload the image to be shared onto
the backgrounds of other community users.
Images considered inappropriate for this application include: images which do not feature puppies as the primary focus, copyrighted images,
images that include nudity (of humans), or images which, through their possession or distribution, violate a law of the United States.
Features coming Soon:
• Vote for images you Like
• The option to 'prefer' highly ranked images for display in your background
We appreciate any feedback you provide towards the improvement of this app. Email us at:
Legal notices
Unless noted, content contributed via the "Share"
feature is waived of all copyright and related or
neighboring rights under the
CC0 PD Dedication.
If you have reason to believe that any material or
activity on an app or site operated or provide
by Practical Apps (such as 'PuppyShare') is
infringing of the right(s) owned by you or someone
else, for whom you have authority to act, please
follow our DMCA Notice &
Takedown Procedure.
Images displayed initially at time of installation were obtained, in part, from
Visit the Android Market on your phone and search for "PuppyShare"